Bram De Wever
Associate Professor
Bram is a professor in the field of learning and instruction and focusing on TECOLAB research.
Fien De Smedt
Postdoctoral researcher
Fien is postdoctoral researcher whose research focuses on improving students' argumentative and writing skills and is assistant NPM for PIAAC in Flanders.
Lisa Dewulf
Postdoctoral researcher
Lisa is the national project manager for PIAAC in Flanders (Belgium).
Lisse Van Nieuwenhove
Phd Student
Lisse is a postdoc researcher studying adult competences, and is assistant NPM for PIAAC in Flanders.
Lieselot Declercq
Phd Student
Lieselot is a PhD researcher studying hybrid learning networks for professional development for online teachers.
Yana Landrieu
Phd Student
Yana is a PhD researcher investigating computer-supported collaborative writing.
Karen Putzeys
Phd Student
Karen is a PhD researcher whose work focuses on computer-supported collaborative learning.
Maaike Grammens
Phd Student
Maaike is a PhD researcher studying the professionalization of teachers who work in online learning environments.
Sylvie Vandaele
Teaching assistant
Sylvie is a teaching assistant for the course 'Powerful learning environments'.
Iris Hulders
Phd Student
Iris is a PhD researcher studying the impact of an inquiry-based history curriculum on students and teachers.
Michiel Voet
Postdoctoral researcher
Michiel is a postdoctoral researcher studying the integration of inquiry-based learning (IBL) in the history classroom.
Ruth Boelens
Former Phd Student
In her PhD work, Ruth Boelens studied effective course design for blended learning in adult education.
Mario Gielen
Former Phd Student
Mario did his PhD on the impact of structuring peer feedback in wikis on performance and feedback content.
Nore De Grez
Phd Student
Nore studied collaborative writing in computer supported learning environments.
Astrid Vermeersch
Former student intern
As a Master student in Educational Sciences, Astrid Vermeersch conducted an internship at Tecolab in 2016.
Marijn Vos
Teaching assistant
Marijn was a teaching assistant for the course 'Powerful learning environments'.
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